Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fwd: Fw: HJS Website

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ashok T. Jaisinghani <>
Date: Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 1:09 AM
Subject: Fw: HJS Website

Note: The following message was blocked by BSNL for one week.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 07 Sep 2012 11:19 PM
Subject: Re: Ban on HJS Website

Censorship was Misused for Saving
Manmohan Singh's Reputation!
    The UPA Government has banned about 250 websites that were giving provocative news about the riots in Assam. Even the sending of bulk SMS and MMS messages was banned for a number of days. The massive censorship was imposed all over India on the excuse of rumors, which were spread about the riots in Assam between the Bodos and Muslim settlers. Last month's clashes between the Bodos and Bangladeshi immigrants have caused about 80 deaths and made more than four lakh people homeless in Assam.
    Anti-social elements had tried to create communal tensions all over India by circulating doctored photos of gruesomely mutilated naked bodies of unknown persons who were described as the victims of the riots in Assam. The terrifying photos were forwarded through millions of SMS, MMS and email messages by mobile phones and the Internet.
    The North Eastern students and professionals living in many cities of India had received anonymous threatening SMS messages warning them of retaliation for the violence in Assam. Rumors of retaliation over the Assam communal violence had spread extreme panic among the estimated 4,000 North Eastern students and professionals living in Bangalore, many of whom rushed to leave the city by trains running to their home states. 
    There was a violent protest march in Mumbai over the deaths of Muslims in the communal clashes in Assam. A number of policemen and civilians were injured in Mumbai's protest march. Many miscreants were arrested for the violent incidents. Some people were also arrested in Pune for beating up North Eastern students in the city, which has about 10,000 students and professionals from the North East.
Who were the First to Start sending
Millions of Provocative Messages?
    The UPA Government had blamed even some Pakistani groups for spreading the provocative SMS, MMS and email messages about the riots in Assam between the Bodos and Muslims. Most of the Pakistanis do not even know who the Bodos are. So why would the Pakistanis create any massive scare among the Bodos and other people of North East India by sending millions of SMS, MMS and emails messages to users of the mobile phones and the Internet?
    Who was really responsible for exaggerating the fear of communal riots by sending SMS, MMS and emails messages to millions of people in India? What were the real intentions of such crooked rumor mongers?
    It seems that the scare of communal riots in India was deliberately created by some Congress crooks to divert the attention of all the people of India from the massive Coalgate scam in which Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was himself involved in a big way. The millions of SMS, MMS and email messages must have been sent at the behest of the desperate Congress leaders who had panicked due to the involvement of Manmohan Singh in the Coalgate scam, which is estimated to be Rs.186,000 crore in the CAG report. 
    Taking advantage of the provocative SMS, MMS and email messages about the Assam riots between the Bodos and Muslims, the BJP and the Hindutva brigade have spread the rumors further, as the polarization of Hindu and Muslim voters along communal lines would benefit them in the coming elections.
    The idiotic leaders of the Congress Party soon realized that the complete polarization of Hindu and Muslim voters on communal basis would give a massive advantage to the BJP in the future elections in India. So the Congress party must have panicked and ordered a ban on the websites of Hindutva groups who were taking advantage of the polarization of voters along communal lines.
    The dirty vote bank politics of the Congress, BJP and other political parties can be very dangerous for the future peace and prosperity of India.
    Banning of websites, SMS, MMS and email messages by the UPA Government is a vain attempt to save the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's reputation, which has been extremely tarnished by the Coalgate scam, as massive bribes had been taken for the allocation of coal blocks when Manmohan Singh was also the Coal Minister during the period of 2006-2009. Is it right for a democratic country like India to get adverse publicity banned at the behest of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, when such adverse publicity is based on facts?
Manmohan Singh must Quit as
He has Accepted his Guilt
    As the Coal Ministry was directly under his charge during 2006-2009, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has taken full responsibility for the massive Coalgate scam, and has thus admitted his crime. Now how can he still refuse to quit the post of Prime Minister? Legally and morally he has no right to continue as the Prime Minister of India.
    Nobody can save the absolutely shameless Prime Minister now, when he has accepted full responsibility for the crime of Coalgate. The Congress Party should not create any scapegoats to prove the bogus innocence of Manmohan Singh when he has already accepted the blame for the crime of Coalgate. As the head of the Coal Ministry, he is the main culprit in the massive corruption and kickbacks in coal block allocations that took place during his tenure of 2006-2009.
    The Congress Party is in extreme panic and has started over-reacting to the involvement of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in the scam of allocation of coal blocks to the selected cronies, as it is clearly mentioned in the CAG's report. To prevent any discussions on the Coalgate scam, there are charges and counter-charges levelled by both the Congress and BJP leaders against one another.
Does the Congress Party have any
Right to Cheat the People of India?
    No rumors of any type for diverting the attention of the people are going to help Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to save himself from the blame of the Coalgate scam. The whole nation now believes that Manmohan Singh is fully implicated in the Coalgate scam, which involves an estimated loss of Rs.186,000 crore in revenue.
    What has happened to Manmohan Singh's great boast that he had the reputation of Caesar's wife, which was above suspicion? What has stopped him from behaving like Caesar's wife? The Coalgate scam has permanently blackened the reputation of Manmohan Singh like the black color of coal.
    The extremely corrupt Congress leaders are using perverted logic in defending their crimes of looting the people of India. If the BJP-led NDA Government caused losses of few thousand crore rupees in any scams, should the Congress-led UPA Government also claim a right to cause losses of many lakh crore rupees in various scams, like the Coalgate, just for getting the big bribes? The Congress leaders have claimed that they cannot be blamed for the losses caused by the Coalgate scam because they were only continuing the policy of the previous NDA regime while looting the people of India. Can the people of India accept such an explanation?
    During its campaign for the Lok Sabha elections of 2004, did the Congress Party announce to the people of India that, after coming to power, it would follow the corrupt policies of the previous BJP-led NDA Government and start the loot of the country in a more massive way? After winning the Lok Sabha elections again in 2009 by massive fraud, the Congress Party now firmly believes that it has a right to loot the people of India in a much more massive way.
    The Congress leaders should give answers to the PEOPLE of India who have suffered huge losses and have been cheated on a massive scale. They may be able to give excuses to the BJP leaders. The Congress leaders don't have to give any explanations to the BJP, but to the PEOPLE of India.  If the BJP leaders were cheats, can the Congress leaders tell the PEOPLE of India that they can justify being much greater cheats than the leaders of BJP?
    Can Manmohan Singh claim to have a right to continue as the Prime Minister of India only because he has the support of the majority of MPs in the Lok Sabha, in spite of being proved as an extremely corrupt fellow by the CAG's report, which mentions his involvement in the massive scam of Coalgate worth about Rs.186,000 crore?
    Ashok  T. Jaisinghani.  
     Editor & Publisher:

----- Original Message -----
From: HJS Sevak
Sent: 22 Aug 2012 9:16 PM
Subject: Ban on HJS Website : HJS condemns 'Tughalaqi' conspiracy of Congress and is planning to stage agitations !



HJS condemns 'Tughalaqi' conspiracy of Congress and is planning to stage agitations ! - Mr. Ramesh Shinde, National Spokesperson, HJS

Congress holds discussions with Pakistan who is causing riots in India, favours Muslims; but imposes ban on Nationalist website

Mumbai : The Indian Home Minister said that Pakistan was responsible for creating disturbance at various places like Mumbai, Lucknow and Kashmir by way of riots under the pretext of riots caused by Bangla Deshi infiltrators in Assam; spreading false propaganda and sending sms causing unrest in the country. Proofs of the same are being handed over to Pakistan. After the riots, unrest is being caused by sending threatening sms to Assamese, beating them up etc. due to which they have started returning to their homeland. Now, instead of taking strict remedial measures, imposing ban on fanatic Muslim organizations which sent such sms, maulanas who incited people with their provoking speeches and their websites, the anti-Hindu Congress Government at the Centre, taking revenge, has suddenly imposed ban on the website of patriotic organization like Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) engaged in imparting 'Dharma-shikshan' and awakening patriotism amongst Hindus. Ban has been imposed on the website of HJS viz. without giving prior notice. In a press conference held here, Mr. Ramesh Shinde, the national spokesperson of HJS strongly condemned such 'Tughalaqi' conspiracy of 'punishing an innocent and letting lose the culprit' of the Congress.
             Demand to impose ban on Raza Academy is being made at all levels; but Congress kept mum on the subject and delayed taking action against the culprits to help them to run away; but by imposing ban on the website of Hindus, Congress has exhibited its hatred towards Hindus. It is not only an attack on Hindus but also encroachment on the freedom conferred by the Indian Constitution on expression of thoughts and to follow any religion. The dictatorial governance of Congress, in which only Hindus abide by oppressive  laws and Muslims get all benefits, makes any patriotic citizen think whether he is living in Hindustan or in Pakistan. The Government does not impart education to Hindus on their Dharma; therefore, on HJS website, scientific information on different festivals, religious festivals, rites and rituals etc. is given. Similarly, various drives are undertaken by HJS for prevention of abuse of National Flag, prevention of distortion of map, prevention of denigration of Deities, our great national heroes and Saints, explaining glorious history of India etc. for benefit of society, nation and Dharma giving information on its website. More than 1, 80,000 people from about 170 countries all over the world visit this website. People from other countries are also getting drawn towards Hindu culture and Dharma and living happily leading self-restrained life.
             On the website of HJS and its 'Facebook' page, true information about Assam and Mumbai riots was published based on news published in different newspapers. Proofs were presented on the website so as to assist Police and Government on how rioting Muslims were indulging in false propaganda and creating unrest in the country; even then, it is possible that the Congress Government could have imposed ban on the website for the politics of votes. It is clear that the website of HJS has been closed for criticizing corruption and double standards used by the Govt. under the name of secularism; but the corrupt Congress Govt. should remember that the ban imposed on HJS website is not a blot on its name; rather it is creditable for HJS for undertaking patriotic activities which force the corrupt Government to take cognizance. Registering protest against this ban, HJS is planning to stage agitations.
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----- Original Message -----
From: HJS Sevak
Sent: 21 Aug 2012 1:32 PM
Subject: Anti-Hindu Government ban website of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti !


Anti-Hindu Government ban website of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti !

Anti-Hindu step by the Congress led Union Government !

  • Facebook Page of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti also blocked !

Because they cannot ban Sanatan Sanstha and Hindu Jnanjagruti Samiti (HJS), the rulers are putting a ban on the propagation of the mission of these organisations ! The rulers who  have imposed a ban on the websites of the Samiti today, will not hesitate to impose a ban on 'Sanatan Prabhat' as well as Sanatan Sanstha and HJS, tomorrow. 

According to an order from the Union Government, 250 websites that spread provocative news about the riots in Assam have been banned. Since yesterday, whenever readers  throughout Bharat tried to visit, they were getting the message 'The site has been blocked as per the instructions from Department of Telecom (DOT)'. As a result they could not visit the website. If the readers have  experienced this, please let us know the name of the city, State, date etc. Samiti is consulting legal experts on this issue. 

Facebook Page of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti also blocked !

After this decision, from the night of 19.8.2012 Samiti's page'' on social networking website Facebook has also been blocked.  Presently this page is not accessible all over Bharat; however, it is accessible abroad. 

On the website of HJS as well as the page on Facebook, articles that depicted the truth underlying the riots in Assam and Mumbai were placed. There was no provocative matter in these articles. Because of these articles, Hindus around the world were getting to know the truth about these issues. Hence, the possibility of the Union Government as part of its Muslim appeasement policy, banning this page that vents the atrocities faced by the Hindus, cannot be denied.

Alternate Facebook Page of HJS

Until such time as the ban on Samiti's page on Facebook is lifted, the readers are requested to visit the new page on Facebook

If the visitors of the website want any guidance about the course of action to be taken pertaining to Nation and Dharma, they may please contact the local activists of the Samiti.

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